How to Keep your Staff Safe during the Summer Heat Each Summer as temperatures rise and heat indexes creep into triple digits, workplace injuries due to heat exposure rise with the temperatures. Not preparing your staff for these risks can cause unnecessary workers compensation claims to occur. When too many… Read more »
What are Toolbox Talks and how can they benefit a Small Business The water cooler is a place that co-workers have often spent time each day talking with each other about what is going on within the business, the community, and their personal lives. Toolbox talks are a way to… Read more »
Why Workplace Safety is so Important for Small Business When a worker is injured at work, it costs the company money. It costs the company money in the form of lost work hours, reduced productivity, decreased employee morale, increased insurance rates, and even possible litigation. Productivity is lost when other workers… Read more »
4 Time Periods To Prepare For Before An Organization Experiences An Injury At Work If a business stays in business long enough, the business is going to experience an injured employee at some time. How a business prepares for and reacts to an injury on the job, goes a long… Read more »
What are you doing to make your business safe during National Safety Month? June is National Safety Month. It is being promoted by the National Safety Council and OSHA. National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road and in our homes and… Read more »