Tag Archives: First Report of Injury

How Should a Business Best Deal with an Injury in the Workplace

4 Time Periods To Prepare For Before An Organization Experiences An Injury At Work If a business stays in business long enough, the business is going to experience an injured employee at some time. How a business prepares for and reacts to an injury on the job, goes a long… Read more »

15 Terms to Know When Renewing Workers Compensation Insurance

Insured The insured person is the business or entity involved in an insurance relationship that is protected under the policy. The insured can be an individual, a business, or a non-profit organization. Insurer The Insurer is a term referring to the insurance carrier who is offering coverage under the policy…. Read more »

Key Terms for Workers Compensation Insurance

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7 terms to familiarize yourself with when purchasing Workers Compensation Insurance Insurance is like many industries, there is a lot of industry jargon. This jargon is hard to understand, even for people who are experienced business owners or even some people who work in the insurance industry. Here are 10… Read more »